Senin, 10 September 2012

me, back..

Hello, there..
it's been alooooooooong times yaa... *kangen*
my world has been upside down, bloggy..
some dream do came true, some more don't.
i've been cracked out one more time, bloggy.. he's not the one.
God sent me the messages, but the stubborn me ignored. like always ya.. :|
but like the proverb said, there always a bright side in every darkness..
and i did find it.
God still love me SO BIG TIME, bloggy..
after so many times of letting God down.. |shame-On-ME!|
i finally found the answers,
and WE (him and I) teared apart with no goodbyes..
so many angers, so many cries, so many heart-pieces already broke.
but, please worry not, bloggy, because of all the sadness i've been through, it made me who i am now.
i am rough and tough girl. remember? so, it made me even more then that.. A Grown-Up.
yess, I am. Astonishing Lady... *kedip2*
so, life is steady one more time people!! *cheers* ~
tell you the truth, my broken-heart find it's way to heal.
Now, i'm readeeeeeh for another heart-adventure..and eagerly want it to be the last.
please pray with me, let it be my very last and forever...
let me be in line and settle down finally *No doubt song*

Amin, InshaAllah...

until next post, bloggy..
take care,..


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